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ante- , ex- , fore- , pre- , pro-

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Problematical Words and Phrases


l          Words or phrases that are un-scientific or emotional should not be used. Examples are:

n          Very, tremendous, tough, enormous, overwhelming, drastically, incredible, naturally, notorious, obviously, suddenly, staggering, amazing.

l          Unfortunately: indicating that an expected outcome did not happen, should not be used.

l          Can be [done]: means is possible but frequently used to mean is [done].

l          May be: means is permitted or could happen (sentence should make meaning clear).

l          If, It, When, This, There is, As such … at the beginning of sentence leaves the subject ambiguous: the sentence can always be turned around to start with the subject.

l          …ing: beware words ending in …ing. For example, “The clients are seeking a settlement”, just use “The clients seek a settlement”.

l          However, therefore, nevertheless (when there is little connection to the previous sentence).

l          Ideal (which in engineering means stripped of imperfections).

l          Optimum (when no criteria for optimality are stated).

l          Certain, above mentioned, traditional, commonly, …

l          Only: misplaced so that it restricts the wrong thing in the sentence.

l          Tautology: using words with redundant meaning: “The receiver returns an acknowledgement back.”

l          Legalese:

n          Herein, hereinafter, …

l          Colloquialisms:

n          and/or (use one form only), plus-minus (meaning approximately), zinc instead of galvanized steel (be precise), …

l          Misuse of similar words:

n          Principal-principle, cord-chord, …

l          Slang and jargon must not be used.

n          Mike (for microphone)

n          Advert (advertisement), …

l          Frequently confused forms: “It’s” meaning “it is” and “Its” meaning belonging to it are frequently interchanged.

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opportunity, occasion, opening, chance, break
If you prepare yourself , you will be able to grasp opportunity for broader experience when it appears.

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真好~ 以後有機會的話,希望天天這樣

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下表是行政院於民國94年9月28日院授人力字第0940065062號 所公佈的 公務人員英語檢測陞任評分計分標準對照表 供大家參考

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首先英文歌 mp3 哪裡有…
答案:唱片行 (支持正版)

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